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Offending Entities

FederationEntityMeasured valueLast Check
CAFE[IdP] AEB - Agencia Espacial Brasileira (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:28
CAFE[IdP] AEB - Agencia Espacial Brasileira (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-12-02 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] ANSP - an Academic Network at Sao Paulo (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] APTSJC - Associacao Parque Tecnologico Sao Jose dos Campos (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-05-18 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] ASCES-UNITA - Centro Universitario Tabosa de Almeida (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-08-11 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] BIOTIC - Biotic SA (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-04-27 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] CAPES - Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] CARAJAS - Grupo Educacional Carajas (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-07-29 04:00:19
CAFE[IdP] CBPF - Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-04-29 04:00:20
CAFE[IdP] CBPF - Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] CDTN - Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] CDTN - Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-09-29 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] CECIERJ - Centro de Ciencias e Edu. a Distancia do RJ (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-02-20 04:00:35
CAFE[IdP] CECIERJ - Centro de Ciencias e Edu. a Distancia do RJ (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] CEFET-MG - Centro Federal de Educacao Tecnologica de Minas Gerais (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] CEFET-RJ - Centro Fed. Educ. Tecnol. Celso S. Fonseca (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-06-10 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] CEFET-RJ - Centro Fed. Educ. Tecnol. Celso S. Fonseca (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] CEITEC - Centro Nac.Tec.Elet.Avancada (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2021-10-18 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] CEITEC - Centro Nacional de Tecnologia e Eletronica Avancada (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] CEMADEN - Centro Nac Monit e Alertas de Desastres Naturais (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-05-23 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] CENSIPAM - Sistema de Protecao da Amazonia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-06-01 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] CENSIPAM - Sistema de Protecao da Amazonia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:27
CAFE[IdP] CESAR - Centro de Estudos e Sistemas Avancados do Recife (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] CESAR - Centro de Estudos e Sistemas Avancados do Recife (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-10-31 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] CETEM - Centro de Tecnologia Mineral (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] CETENE - Centro de Tecnologias e Estrategicas do NE (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-03-31 04:00:18
CAFE[IdP] CETENE - Centro de Tecnologias e Estrategicas do Nordeste (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] CGEE - Centro de Gestao e Estudos Estrategicos (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:27
CAFE[IdP] CHC-UFPR - Complexo Hospital de Clinicas (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2021-08-28 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] CITTA - Centro de Inovacao e Tecnologia Telmo Araujo (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-04-16 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] CNEN - Comissao Nacional de Energia Nuclear (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] CNPEM - Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e Materiais (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:27
CAFE[IdP] CNPQ - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2021-05-25 04:00:17
CAFE[IdP] CP2 - Colegio Pedro II (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] CPII - Colegio Pedro II (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-10-24 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] CPQD - Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Telecomunicacoes (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-07-28 04:00:30
CAFE[IdP] CPRM - Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-08-02 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] CPRM - Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-09-22 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] CRIA - Centro de Referencia em Informacao Ambiental (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-01-23 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] CTGAS-ER - Centro de Tecnologias do Gas e Energias Renovaveis (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] CTI - Centro de Tecnologia da Informacao Renato Archer (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-04-30 04:00:17
CAFE[IdP] CTI - Centro de Tecnologia da Informacao Renato Archer (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] CUSC - Centro Universitario Sao Camilo (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] EBMSP - Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saude Publica (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-03-24 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] EBMSP - Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saude Publica (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] EBSERH - Empresa Brasileira de Servicos Hospitalares (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] EBSERH - Empresa Brasileira de Servicos Hospitalares (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-03-23 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] EMBRAPA - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] EMBRAPA - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-07-01 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] EMBRAPII - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa e Inovacao Industrial (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] EMESCAM - Escola Superior de Ciencias da Santa Casa de Misericordia de Vitoria (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-01-16 04:00:29
CAFE[IdP] EMESCAM - Escola Superior de Ciencias da Santa Casa de Misericordia de Vitoria (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:27
CAFE[IdP] ENAP - Escola Nacional de Administracao Publica (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] EPAMIG - Empresa de de Pesquisa Agropecuaria de Minas Gerais (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] ESD - Escola Superior de Defesa (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] ESG - Escola Superior de Guerra (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2021-09-14 04:00:17
CAFE[IdP] ESPM - Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] FAC - FACENS - Faculdade de Engenharia de Sorocaba (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-10-27 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] FACOP - Faculdade Do Centro Oeste Paulista (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2021-06-10 04:00:18
CAFE[IdP] FAMERP - Faculdade de Medicina de Rio Preto (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-05-12 04:00:18
CAFE[IdP] FAMERP - Faculdade de Medicina de Rio Preto (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] FAMPECT - Fundacao Wilson Picler de Amparo a Educacao, Ciencia e Tecnologia. (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2021-04-26 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] FAP - Fundacao Antonio Prudente (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-07-13 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] FAPCE - Faculdade Paraiso do Ceara (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-02-20 04:00:38
CAFE[IdP] FAPEAL - Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa de Alagoas (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] FAPEG - Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Goias (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2021-11-22 04:00:19
CAFE[IdP] FAPEPI - Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Piaui (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] FAPEPI - Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Piaui (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2021-12-16 04:01:00
CAFE[IdP] FAPES - Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa e Inovacao do Espirito Santo (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-02-23 04:00:20
CAFE[IdP] FAPES - Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa e Inovacao do Espirito Santo (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] FAPESP - Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] FCMSCSP - Faculdade de Ciencia Medicas Santa Casa (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] FEEVALE - Universidade Feevale (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-04-11 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] FEEVALE - Universidade Feevale (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:27
CAFE[IdP] FEI - Fundacao Educacional Inaciana Pe. Saboia de Medeiros (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-04-03 04:00:19
CAFE[IdP] FEPECS - Fundacao de Ensino e Pesquisa em Ciencias da Saude (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-03-29 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] FESFSUS - Fundacao Estatal Saude da Familia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] FGV - Fundacao Getulio Vargas (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-07-22 04:00:18
CAFE[IdP] FINEP - Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] FIOCRUZ - Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] FIOCRUZ - Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-06-29 04:00:20
CAFE[IdP] FMU - Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas Educacao (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] FNDE - Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educacao (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2021-06-13 04:00:20
CAFE[IdP] FNDE - Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educacao (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] FSCBH - Faculdade Santa Casa BH (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-10-28 04:00:20
CAFE[IdP] FSCBH - Faculdade Santa Casa BH (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-05-17 04:00:19
CAFE[IdP] FUCAPE - Fundacao Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa em Cont. Econ. e Financas (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] FUMEC - Universidade Fumec (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] FUNDAJ - Fundacao Joaquim Nabuco (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-05-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] FUNESA - Fundacao Estadual de Saude (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] FUNPEC - Fundacao Norte-Rio-Grandense de Pesquisa e Cultura (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] FURB - Fundacao Universidade Regional de Blumenau (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] FURG - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] FURG - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-07-06 04:00:19
CAFE[IdP] FWP - Fundacao Wilson Picler (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:28
CAFE[IdP] GHC - Grupo Hospitalar Conceicao (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-04-26 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] GIGA - Associacao GigaCandanga (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] HCPA - Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-03-30 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] HFA - Hospital das Forcas Armadas (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-03-27 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] HMV - Associacao Hospitalar Moinhos de Vento (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-07-26 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] HSR - Hospital Sao Rafael (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] IBICT - Inst. Brasileiro de Info. em Ciencia e Tecnologia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-03-31 04:00:19
CAFE[IdP] ICFUC - Instituto de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-03-30 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] IDP - Instituto Brasileiro de Ensino, Desenvolvimento e Pesquisa de Brasilia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-08-09 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] IDSM - Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sutentavel Mamiraua (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] IEC - Instituto Evandro Chagas (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] IEN - Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] IFAC - Instituto Federal do Acre (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] IFAC - Instituto Federal do Acre (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-06-06 04:00:29
CAFE[IdP] IFAL - Instituto Federal de Alagoas (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-04-18 04:00:19
CAFE[IdP] IFAL - Instituto Federal de Alagoas (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] IFAM - Instituto Federal de Ciencia e Tecnologia do Amazonas (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-04-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] IFAM - Instituto Federal do Amazonas (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] IFAP - Instituto Federal do Amapa (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] IFB - Instituto Federal de Brasilia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-05-31 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] IFB - Instituto Federal de Brasilia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] IFBAIANO - Instituto Federal de Educacao, Ciencia e Tecnologia Baiano (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-06-24 04:00:19
CAFE[IdP] IFBAIANO - Instituto Federal de Educacao, Ciencia e Tecnologia Baiano (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] IFC - Instituto Federal Catarinense (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-04-18 04:00:20
CAFE[IdP] IFC - Instituto Federal Catarinense (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] IFCE - Instituto Federal do Ceara (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] IFES - Instituto Federal do Espirito Santo (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-05-18 04:00:18
CAFE[IdP] IFES - Instituto Federal do Espirito Santo (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] IFF - Instituto Federal de Educacao, Ciencia e Tecnologia Fluminense (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] IFFAR - Instituto Federal Farroupilha (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] IFG - Instituto Federal de Educacao Ciencia e Tecnologia de Goias (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] IFMA - Instituto Federal de Educacao Ciencia e Tecnologia do Maranhao (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-02-17 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] IFMA - Instituto Federal do Maranhao (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] IFMG - Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] IFMS - Instituto Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-05-20 04:00:20
CAFE[IdP] IFMS - Instituto Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] IFMT - Instituto Federal de Mato Grosso (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-05-10 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] IFNMG - Instituto Federal do Norte de Minas Gerais (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] IFNMG - Instituto Federal do Norte de Minas Gerais (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-06-06 04:00:20
CAFE[IdP] IFPB - Instituto Federal da Paraiba (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] IFPE - Instituto Federal de Pernambuco (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] IFPI - Instituto Federal do Piaui (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-05-23 04:00:20
CAFE[IdP] IFPI - Instituto Federal do Piaui (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] IFPI - Instituto Federal do Piaui (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-01-26 04:00:19
CAFE[IdP] IFPR - Instituto Federal do Parana (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:27
CAFE[IdP] IFRJ - Instituto Federal de Educacao do Rio de Janeiro (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-08-18 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] IFRN - Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-03-27 04:00:20
CAFE[IdP] IFRN - Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] IFRO - Instituto Federal de Educacao, Ciencia e Tecnologia de Rondonia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-05-25 04:00:19
CAFE[IdP] IFRO - Instituto Federal de Rondonia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] IFRR - Instituto Federal de Roraima (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-07-06 04:00:19
CAFE[IdP] IFRR - Instituto Federal de Roraima (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] IFRS - Instituto Federal de Educacao Ciencia e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] IFRS - Instituto Federal de Educacao Ciencia e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Sul (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-07-06 04:00:19
CAFE[IdP] IFS - Instituto Federal de Educacao, Ciencia e Tecnologia do Sergipe (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] IFSC - Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] IFSERTAOPE - Instituto Federal de Educacao, Ciencia e Tecnologia do Sertao Pernambucano (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-04-07 04:00:18
CAFE[IdP] IFSERTAOPE - Instituto Federal de Educacao, Ciencia e Tecnologia do Sertao Pernambucano (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-08-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] IFSP - Instituto Federal de Educacao, Ciencia e Tecnologia de Sao Paulo (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] IFSP - Instituto Federal de Sao Paulo (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2020-12-08 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] IFSUDESTEMG - Inst Fed de Educ Ciencia e Tec do Sudeste de MG (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2021-03-24 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] IFSUDESTEMG - Inst Fed de Educ Ciencia e Tec do Sudeste de MG (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] IFSUL - Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-07-06 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] IFSUL - Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] IFSULDEMINAS - Instituto Federal do Sul de Minas Gerais (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] IFTM - Instituto Federal do Triangulo Mineiro (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-03-29 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] IFTO - Instituto Federal de Educacao do Tocantins (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-10-28 04:00:20
CAFE[IdP] IFTO - Instituto Federal de Educacao do Tocantins (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] IGESDF - Instituto de Gestao Estrategica de Saude do Distrito Federal (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-07-02 04:00:19
CAFE[IdP] IME - Instituto Militar de Engenharia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-07-13 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] IMIP - Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] IMPA - Instituto Nacional de Matematica Pura e Aplicada (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2021-10-07 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] IMPA - Instituto Nacional de Matematica Pura e Aplicada (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] INCAPER - Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa, Assistencia Tecnica e Extensao Rural (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2021-04-18 04:00:18
CAFE[IdP] INCOR USP - Instituto do Coracao da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Sao Paulo (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] INEP - Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] INMA - Instituto Nacional da Mata Atlantica (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] INMETRO - Instituto Nacional de Metrologia Qualidade e Tecnologia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] INPE - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] INSA - Instituto Nacional do Semiarido (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-06-12 04:00:29
CAFE[IdP] INT - Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-03-29 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] INT - Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-05-20 04:00:20
CAFE[IdP] IPEN - Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] IPEN - Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-07-04 04:00:20
CAFE[IdP] IPT - Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnologicas do Estado de Sao Paulo (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-05-04 04:00:20
CAFE[IdP] IPT - Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnologicas do Estado de Sao Paulo (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] IRD - Instituto de Radioprotecao e Dosimetria (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2021-04-16 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] ISD - Instituto Santos Dumont (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] ITA - Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-05-06 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] ITA - Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] ITV - Instituto Tecnologico Vale (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] ITV MI - Instituto Tecnologico Vale Mineracao (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-03-08 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] LINEA - Laboratorio Interinstitucional de e-Astronomia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-07-29 04:00:20
CAFE[IdP] LINEA - Laboratorio Interinstitucional de e-Astronomia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] LNA - Laboratorio Nacional de Astrofisica (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] LNCC - Laboratorio Nacional de Computacao Cientifica (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] LNRCC - Liga Norte RioGrandense Contra o Cancer (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-01-17 04:00:20
CAFE[IdP] MAST - Museu de Astronomia e Ciencias Afins (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] MCOM - Ministerio das Comunicacoes (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-04-29 04:00:20
CAFE[IdP] MCOM - Ministerio das Comunicacoes (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] MCTI - Ministerio da Ciencia Tecnologia e Inovacoes (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-08-28 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] MCTIC - Ministerio da Ciencia Tecnologia Inovacao e Comunicacao (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2021-09-25 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] MEC - Ministerio da Educacao (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] MODAL - Instituto Modal de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Inovacao (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-04-11 04:00:34
CAFE[IdP] MPEG - Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] MS - Ministerio da Saude (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] ON - Observatorio Nacional (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] PCT-GUAMA - Fundacao Parque de Ciencia e Tecnologia Guama (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-04-06 04:00:32
CAFE[IdP] POP-PI - Provedor de Identidade em Docker versao 3 (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-01-30 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] PUC MINAS - pontificia Universidade Catolica de Minas Gerais (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] PUCCAMPINAS - Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Campinas (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] PUCGOIAS - Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Goias (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] PUCPR - Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Parana (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] PUCRS - Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-03-06 04:00:28
CAFE[IdP] PUCRS - Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] PUCSP - Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Sao Paulo (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-06-16 04:00:28
CAFE[IdP] RNP - Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-03-29 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] SECTI-BA - Secretaria de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Inovacao do Estado da Bahia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-02-05 04:00:29
CAFE[IdP] SENAIMT - Servico Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-03-08 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] SES-GO - Secretaria de Estado de Saude de Goias (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-09-03 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] SETREM - Sociedade Educacional Tres de Maio (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] SETREM - Sociedade Educacional Tres de Maio (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2020-12-18 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] SLM - Sao Leopoldo Mandic (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-04-11 04:00:35
CAFE[IdP] SOBERANA - Faculdade de Saude de Petrolina (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] UCS - Universidade de Caxias do Sul (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UCS - Universidade de Caxias do Sul (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-09-21 04:00:19
CAFE[IdP] UDESC - Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-02-13 04:00:32
CAFE[IdP] UDESC - Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] UEA - Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] UECE - Universidade Estadual do Ceara (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] UEFS - Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-10-11 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] UEFS - Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-06-01 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] UEG - Universidade Estadual de Goias (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:27
CAFE[IdP] UEG - Universidade Estadual de Goias (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-10-03 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UEG - Universidade Estadual de Goias (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2021-03-19 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] UEL - Universidade Estadual de Londrina (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] UEM - Universidade Estadual de Maringa (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-05-02 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UEM - Universidade Estadual de Maringa (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:27
CAFE[IdP] UEMASUL - Uni.Estadual Reg.Tocantina do Maranhao (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] UEMG - Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2021-05-23 04:00:18
CAFE[IdP] UEMS - Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2021-05-08 04:00:18
CAFE[IdP] UENF - Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] UENF - Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-06-20 04:00:18
CAFE[IdP] UENP - Universidade Estadual do Norte do Parana (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] UEPA - Universidade do Estado do Para (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] UEPB - Universidade Estadual da Paraiba (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] UEPG - Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-07-26 04:00:19
CAFE[IdP] UEPG - Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] UERGS - Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-07-06 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UERGS - Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:27
CAFE[IdP] UERJ - Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] UERR - Universidade Estadual De Roraima (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UESC - Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:27
CAFE[IdP] UESC - Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-03-18 04:00:28
CAFE[IdP] UESPI - Universidade Estadual do Piaui (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-01-21 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] UESPI - Universidade Estadual do Piaui (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] UEZO - Fundacao Centro Universitario Estadual da Zona Oeste (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-06-14 04:00:29
CAFE[IdP] UFABC - Universidade Federal do ABC (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] UFAC - Universidade Federal do Acre (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-06-13 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UFAC - Universidade Federal do Acre (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] UFAL - Universidade Federal de Alagoas (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] UFAM - Universidade Federal do Amazonas (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UFC - Universidade Federal do Ceara (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] UFCA - Universidade Federal do Cariri (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] UFCAT - Universidade Federal de Catalao (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] UFCSPA - Univ. Fed. de Ciencias da Saude de Porto Alegre (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] UFDPAR - Universidade Federal do Delta do Parnaiba (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] UFERSA - Universidade Federal Rural Do Semi-Arido (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] UFERSA - Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Arido (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-03-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] UFES - Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] UFFS - Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-07-06 04:00:18
CAFE[IdP] UFFS - Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] UFG - Universidade Federal de Goias (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-04-11 04:00:35
CAFE[IdP] UFGD - Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] UFJ - Universidade Federal de Jatai (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] UFJF - Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-06-07 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] UFJF - Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] UFLA - Universidade Federal de Lavras (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] UFMA - Universidade Federal do Maranhao (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:27
CAFE[IdP] UFMA - Universidade Federal do Maranhao (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-06-08 04:00:27
CAFE[IdP] UFMG - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-03-17 04:00:20
CAFE[IdP] UFMG - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UFMS - Fundacao Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:27
CAFE[IdP] UFMS - Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-04-14 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UFMT - Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-03-02 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] UFMT - Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-03-29 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] UFOB - Universidade Federal do Oeste da Bahia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:28
CAFE[IdP] UFOP - Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-07-06 04:00:18
CAFE[IdP] UFOP - Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] UFOPA - Universidade Federal do Oeste do Para (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:27
CAFE[IdP] UFPA - Universidade Federal do Para (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-04-20 04:00:20
CAFE[IdP] UFPA - Universidade Federal do Para (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UFPB - Universidade Federal da Paraiba (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UFPE - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-08-11 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UFPE - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] UFPEL - Universidade Federal de Pelotas (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UFPI - Universidade Federal do Piaui (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UFPI - Universidade Federal do Piaui (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-01-18 04:00:19
CAFE[IdP] UFR - Universidade Federal de Rondonopolis (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-07-22 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] UFRA - Universidade Federal Rural da Amazonia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-06-14 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] UFRB - Universidade Federal do Reconcavo da Bahia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] UFRGS - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-03-29 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] UFRJ - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-03-29 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] UFRN - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-07-06 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UFRN - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:27
CAFE[IdP] UFRPE - Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:28
CAFE[IdP] UFRR - Universidade Federal de Roraima (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2021-12-18 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] UFRRJ - Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-04-08 04:00:19
CAFE[IdP] UFRRJ - Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] UFS - Universidade Federal de Sergipe (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] UFS - Universidade Federal de Sergipe (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-02-17 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] UFSB - Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-05-31 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] UFSCAR - Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-02-18 04:00:49
CAFE[IdP] UFSCAR - Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] UFSM - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] UFSM - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-04-26 04:00:20
CAFE[IdP] UFT - Universidade Federal do Tocantins (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-08-11 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] UFT - Universidade Federal do Tocantins (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:28
CAFE[IdP] UFTM - Universidade Federal do Triangulo Mineiro (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] UFU - Universidade Federal de Uberlandia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] UFU - Universidade Federal de Uberlandia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-09-02 04:00:20
CAFE[IdP] UFV - Universidade Federal de Vicosa (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-08-22 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] UFVJM - Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-05-12 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UFVJM - Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] UMC - Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] UNB - Universidade de Brasilia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:27
CAFE[IdP] UNCISAL - Universidade Estadual de Ciencias da Saude de Alagoas (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] UNEB - Universidade do Estado da Bahia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] UNEMAT - Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] UNEMAT - Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-06-01 04:00:20
CAFE[IdP] UNESC - Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UNESC - Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2021-10-01 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UNESPAR - Universidade Estadual do Parana (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:27
CAFE[IdP] UNICAMP - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-04-17 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] UNICAP - Universidade Catolica de Pernambuco (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UNICAP - Universidade Catolica de Pernambuco (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-05-07 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UNICENTRO - Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UNICEUB - Centro Universitario de Brasilia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-07-26 04:00:17
CAFE[IdP] UNICEUB - Centro Universitario de Brasilia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2021-01-23 04:00:20
CAFE[IdP] UNICEUB - Centro Universitario de Brasilia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-05-11 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] UNICHRISTUS - Centro Universitario Unichristus (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] UNICSUL - Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-01-02 04:00:20
CAFE[IdP] UNIFA - Universidade da Forca Aerea (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-01-09 04:00:19
CAFE[IdP] UNIFACS - Universidade Salvador (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:27
CAFE[IdP] UNIFAL-MG - Universidade Federal de Alfenas (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] UNIFAP - Universidade Federal do Amapa (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] UNIFAP - Universidade Federal do Amapa (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-11-03 04:00:20
CAFE[IdP] UNIFATEA - Centro Universitario Teresa D Avila (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-09-04 04:00:19
CAFE[IdP] UNIFEOB - Fundacao de Ensino Octavio Bastos (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-07-06 04:00:20
CAFE[IdP] UNIFESP - Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] UNIFESSPA - Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Para (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-06-27 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] UNIFESSPA - Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Para (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UNIFOR - Universidade de Fortaleza (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-06-07 04:00:28
CAFE[IdP] UNIFRAN - Universidade de Franca (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] UNIFTC - Centro Universitario UniFTC (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-09-08 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] UNIGRANRIO - Universidade do Grande Rio (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-02-15 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UNIJORGE - Centro Universitario Jorge Amado (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-06-21 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] UNIJUI - Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-07-06 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] UNIJUI - Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] UNILA - Universidade Federal da Integracao Latino-Americana (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-02-23 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] UNILA - Universidade Federal da Integracao Latino-Americana (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] UNILAB - Univ. da Integracao Int. da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:27
CAFE[IdP] UNILASALLE - Universidade La Salle (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:28
CAFE[IdP] UNIMONTES - Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UNINOVE - Universidade Nove de Julho (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2021-07-19 04:06:37
CAFE[IdP] UNINTA - Centro Universitario INTA (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:27
CAFE[IdP] UNIP - Universidade Paulista (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] UNIPAMPA - Universidade Federal do Pampa (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UNIR - Fundacao Universidade Federal de Rondonia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] UNIR - Fundacao Universidade Federal de Rondonia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-05-23 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] UNIRIO - Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-06-09 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UNIRIO - Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] UNIRITTER - Sociedade de Educacao Ritter dos Reis LTDA (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:27
CAFE[IdP] UNIRV - Universidade de Rio Verde (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] UNIS - Centro Universitario do Sul de Minas (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:24
CAFE[IdP] UNISANTA - Instituto Superior de Educacao Santa Cecilia (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-06-15 04:35:12
CAFE[IdP] UNISANTOS - Universidade Catolica de Santos (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-02-13 04:00:47
CAFE[IdP] UNISC - Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-06-15 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] UNISC - Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-07-06 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] UNISINOS - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-11-09 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] UNISINOS - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-03-29 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UNISO - Universidade de Sorocaba (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-03-29 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] UNISUL - Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:27
CAFE[IdP] UNITINS - Universidade Estadual do Tocantins (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] UNIVALE - Universidade Vale do Rio Doce (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:27
CAFE[IdP] UNIVALI - Universidade do Vale do Itajai (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:27
CAFE[IdP] UNIVALI - Universidade do Vale do Itajai (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-07-05 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UNIVAP - Universidade do Vale do Paraiba (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:27
CAFE[IdP] UNIVASF - Universidade Federal do Vale do Sao Francisco (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:26
CAFE[IdP] UNIVATES - Fundacao Vale do Taquari de Educacao e Desenvolvimento Social (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-04-28 04:00:30
CAFE[IdP] UNIVATES - Universidade UNIVATES (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] UNIVILLE - Fundacao Educacional da Regiao de Joinville (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UNOCHAPECO - Universidade Comunitaria da Regiao de Chapeco (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-03-16 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] UNOCHAPECO - Universidade Comunitaria da Regiao de Chapeco (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2021-11-12 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] UNOCHAPECO - Universidade Comunitaria da Regiao de Chapeco (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:23
CAFE[IdP] UNOESC - Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] UNOESTE - Universidade do Oeste Paulista (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2021-03-28 04:00:17
CAFE[IdP] UNP - Universidade Potiguar (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:27
CAFE[IdP] UP - Universidade Positivo (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] UPE - Universidade de Pernambuco (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-02-20 04:00:37
CAFE[IdP] UPE - Universidade de Pernambuco (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] URCAMP - Universidade da Regiao da Campanha (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2021-04-12 04:00:21
CAFE[IdP] URI - ERECHIM - - Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missoes (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-04-13 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] URICER - Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missoes (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:28
CAFE[IdP] USCS - Universidade Municipal de Sao Caetano do Sul (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] USF - Universidade Sao Francisco (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2021-10-15 04:00:48
CAFE[IdP] USF - Universidade Sao Francisco (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:22
CAFE[IdP] USP - Universidade de Sao Paulo (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] UTFPR - Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Parana (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2022-05-26 04:00:25
CAFE[IdP] UTFPR - Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Parana (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-10-25 04:00:27
CAFE[IdP] UVA - Universidade Veiga de Almeida (show entity statistics)
mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

mdui:UIInfo found but no mdui:Logo element

2023-08-13 04:00:31

As part of the GÉANT 2020 Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA), the project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 856726 (GN4-3).